"I remember when, you fit in the palm of my hand. Felt so good in it, no bigger than a minute. How it amazes me your changing with every blink, faster than a flower blooms. So let them be little, because they are only that way for a while. Give them hope, give them praise, give them love everyday, let them cry let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle. Oh just let them be little."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Waiting till Monday.....Friends and other stuff.....

This next week I have to work Wednesday so I will not get to go see my baby boy, Ethan, then so I am going on Monday at least I wont have to wait a week this time. Everyday that I am away from Ethan feels like a year away from him. Right before he went to stay with my mom I got his hair cut and on Wednesday he looked sooo shaggy already! I can't believe how fast he grows. He has such an opinion on everything!

Hopefully this next week Clinton PD will get back to my Mom about getting Ethans therapy set up and getting my husband nailed for what he has done. Ya know it's sad that he only got 5 years in DOC for what he did but honestly even if he doesn't fully answer for what he did here on earth, when he dies, that's when the true test comes into play. Some how I don't think God takes too kindly to people like my soon to be ex husband, not my place to judge him but I am pretty sure on that point.

On a brighter note....I heard from a friend on facebook who read my blog and I have to say that her comments almost brought me to tears myself. It made me feel so good though to know that I do have someone who cares and who feels for me and everything else that she could possibly feel.

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